Source link Mark Rutte once said Hungary should be out of the EU or down on its knees over gay rights Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte will not have Budapest’s backing in his bid to become the next secretary general of NATO, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Tuesday. The Nordic politician is considered […]
Tag: alliance
A new African alliance is starting a revolution in the continent’s geopolitics — RT Africa
Source link Why the choice of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger to exit ECOWAS and establish the Alliance of Sahel States was obvious For many centuries, Africa has been a theater for atrocious operations, mainly devised and implemented by the Western powers. These terror operations always have the same specific goal: looting African human, natural, […]
African nations to dissolve Paris-backed G5 Sahel alliance — RT Africa
Source link Chad and Mauritania are considering measures to end the union after the withdrawal of three founding states Chad and Mauritania, the only two remaining members of the Paris-backed G5 Sahel alliance, announced on Wednesday that they were allowing the African anti-jihadist coalition to dissolve. The decision follows the withdrawal of the three other […]