Source link The Ukrainian leader has expressed his intention of destroying Russian civilian infrastructure Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s threat to destroy Russian civilian infrastructure demonstrates that his government is using terrorist tactics, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday. Earlier this week, Zelensky said he and his government “really want to destroy Russian infrastructure,” including […]
Tag: intentions
Putin warns of West’s destructive intentions — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
Source link The US and its allies want Russia to be “withering space” like Ukraine, the president has claimed The West intended to do to Russia what it did to Ukraine and many other nations – turn it into a dying, failed state, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed in a keynote speech on Thursday. ”The […]
US spies clueless on Chinese intentions – WSJ — RT World News
Source link Washington is beefing up its resources targeting Beijing over a decade after losing most of its local assets The US is still struggling to rebuild its spy capacity in China over a decade after losing all of its agents in the country, current and former intelligence officials told the Wall Street Journal on […]