India’s space program uses plutonium pellets to power missions — RT India

India’s space program uses plutonium pellets to power missions — RT India

Source link New Delhi is experimenting with radioisotopes to charge its robotic missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond Indians are ecstatic over their space program’s string of successes in recent months. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has a couple of well-kept tech secrets – one of them nuclear – that will drive future […]

African state scraps EU security missions — RT Africa

African state scraps EU security missions — RT Africa

Source link Niger’s military government has withdrawn from two major security pacts with the European Union, saying it would end any “privileges and immunities” offered to EU forces under the deals. Naimey’s foreign ministry announced the decision on Monday, confirming that Niger would no longer participate in the EU Civilian Capacity-Building Mission (EUCAP) or the […]