WHO Europe calls for ‘urgent’ measles vaccination — RT World News

WHO Europe calls for ‘urgent’ measles vaccination — RT World News

Source link The international health body pointed to a 40-fold jump in cases between 2022 and 2023 The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for an “urgent” vaccine campaign to combat measles outbreaks across Europe, after registering over 42,000 infections last year. The agency’s European branch sounded alarms over the surge in cases in a […]

Migration to Europe to surge in 2024 – think tank — RT World News

Migration to Europe to surge in 2024 – think tank — RT World News

Source link War, elections, and the prospect of Donald Trump in the White House could all drive more immigrants to the continent, the report claimed Migration to Europe will increase this year beyond its already record levels, an Austrian-based think-tank has warned. With opposition parties across the continent threatening a crackdown on immigration, the group […]

Slavs may unite to ‘raze’ Western Europe – EU lawmaker — RT World News

Slavs may unite to ‘raze’ Western Europe – EU lawmaker — RT World News

Source link Sending more aid to Ukraine will only get people killed and lead to revolt, an MEP from Slovakia has warned An EU lawmaker who founded the Slovak PATRIOT party has warned his European Parliament colleagues that continuing to send weapons to Ukraine will only get more Slavic people killed in Kiev’s conflict with […]

African migration to Europe surged in 2023 – Le Monde — RT World News

African migration to Europe surged in 2023 – Le Monde — RT World News

Source link Europe remains exposed to the ongoing flow of migrants at its borders despite measures designed to mitigate it, a report by French publication Le Monde said on Tuesday after data showed the upward trend of illegal migration to the continent continued last year. Citing figures from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees […]

Russian economy biggest in Europe – Putin — RT Business News

Russian economy biggest in Europe – Putin — RT Business News

Source link The country has outperformed its regional peers in terms of purchasing power parity, according to the president The Russian economy is growing at a rapid pace, and its gross domestic product (GDP) may have expanded by more than the previously estimated 3.5% in 2023, President Vladimir Putin stated on Thursday. Speaking with business […]

Western Europe ‘doesn’t know how to fight’ – Ukrainian FM — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Western Europe ‘doesn’t know how to fight’ – Ukrainian FM — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Source link Western Europe isn’t producing enough weapons and ammunition to supply either Kiev or itself, Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Kuleba said in an interview on Thursday, lamenting Russia’s industrial advantage. In an interview to the Kiev Independent, Kuleba expressed hope that Ukraine will eventually get more money, weapons, ammunition and equipment from the US […]

US ‘cannibalizing Europe’ – Putin aide — RT Business News

US ‘cannibalizing Europe’ – Putin aide — RT Business News

Source link The West is rapidly degrading, while the economies of Russia and the Global South are growing, Maksim Oreshkin says The US insistence on sanctioning Russia has caused a downturn in the EU economy, according to President Vladimir Putin’s top economic adviser, Maksim Oreshkin. In an interview with Expert magazine published on Tuesday, Oreshkin […]

Police in Western Europe respond to Islamist attack threats — RT World News

Police in Western Europe respond to Islamist attack threats — RT World News

Source link Security precautions have been ramped up around churches in Germany, Austria and Spain Police in major cities across Western Europe have taken extra security precautions, particularly around churches, after receiving indications that an Islamist group was planning multiple terrorist attacks during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Threats were reported over the weekend […]

Russian neighbor to hike rates for oil transit to Europe — RT Business News

Russian neighbor to hike rates for oil transit to Europe — RT Business News

Source link The transit of Russian oil through Belarus will become more costly next year, the Kommersant business daily reported on Saturday, citing Russian energy export giant Transneft. According to the report, the Belarusian operator of the Druzhba pipeline, Gomeltransneft Druzhba, has reached an agreement with Transneft to hike the transit tariff by 10.2% starting […]

NATO making Europe less stable – Moscow — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

NATO making Europe less stable – Moscow — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Source link The US and its allies are deliberately undermining global security, General Valery Gerasimov has warned Western actions directed against Russia are making Europe less safe, according to the head of Russia’s General Staff. Valery Gerasimov issued the warning on Thursday during a meeting with foreign military attaches in Moscow. The top general was […]

Council of Europe blasts NATO state for closing Russian border — RT World News

Council of Europe blasts NATO state for closing Russian border — RT World News

Source link Finland shut down its last crossing point with Russia following an influx of migrants, which Helsinki claims was a “hybrid attack” launched by Moscow The Council of Europe has voiced concerns over Finland’s decision to close all border crossings with Russia, warning that the move could leave “extremely vulnerable” migrants stranded without shelter […]

EU state claims fellow member is ‘against Europe’ — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

EU state claims fellow member is ‘against Europe’ — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Source link The Lithuanian foreign minister accuses Hungary of opposing everything that “Europe stands for” Hungary’s stance on Ukraine suggests that it is opposed to European values, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis claimed on Monday while addressing an EU foreign ministers’ event. Hungary actively opposes the EU’s continued military and financial support to Ukraine, and […]