Mastermind of multi-million dollar financial fraud could face death penalty — RT World News

Mastermind of multi-million dollar financial fraud could face death penalty — RT World News

Source link Prosecutors in Vietnam are accusing Truong My Lan of orchestrating an embezzlement scheme that caused more than $20 billion in damages A property tycoon in Vietnam could face the death penalty in a corruption trial over alleged fraud that is considered the largest in the Southeast Asian nation’s history, according to local media […]

Sweden accuses ex-Iraqi defense chief of welfare fraud — RT World News

Sweden accuses ex-Iraqi defense chief of welfare fraud — RT World News

Source link Najah al-Shammari has been arrested in Stockholm for allegedly claiming Swedish public benefits while living in Baghdad Former Iraqi Defense Minister Najah al-Shammari has been arrested in Stockholm for allegedly receiving taxpayer-funded benefits in Sweden while living and working in his native country. Al-Shammari was detained by Swedish authorities upon arrival at Stockholm’s […]

Pentagon investigating 50 cases of Ukraine aid fraud — RT World News

Pentagon investigating 50 cases of Ukraine aid fraud — RT World News

Source link In one instance, shipping manifests were mysteriously changed before arms packages reached the country The Pentagon’s inspector general has opened more than 50 cases into the alleged “theft, fraud or corruption, and diversion” of military aid to Ukraine, he said this week. Allegations of graft surfaced almost immediately after the aid began flowing […]

Trump supporters launch fundraiser to pay his fraud damages — RT World News

Trump supporters launch fundraiser to pay his fraud damages — RT World News

Source link An online campaign wants to cover a $354 million court judgment against the former US president Fans of Donald Trump have started a crowdfunding campaign seeking donations to cover the $354 million that a New York judge ordered the former US president to pay for fraudulent business practices. A GoFundMe page was set […]

Vote fraud prevented Trump victory in 2020

Vote fraud prevented Trump victory in 2020

Source link The Heartland Institute claimed fraudulent mail-in votes swung the presidential election for Democrat Joe Biden Mail-in ballot fraud “significantly” impacted the 2020 US presidential election, handing President Joe Biden his victory, according to a study published by conservative think tank the Heartland Institute on Friday. “Had the 2020 election been conducted like every […]

Ukraine uncovers major fraud in ammo procurement — RT World News

Ukraine uncovers major fraud in ammo procurement — RT World News

Source link The suspects tried to steal almost $40 million meant for mortar shells, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has said The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has said it uncovered a major embezzlement scheme in ammunition procurement involving high-ranking Defense Ministry officials and a private arms manufacturer. The five suspects tried to steal […]