South Africa is hosting a bilateral trade event this week, organized by the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum
The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), a leading Russian business conference, is set to hold a session in the South African city of Johannesburg on Wednesday.
Russia and South Africa are partners in BRICS, a club of leading non-Western economies, which underwent a wave of expansion last year. The SPIEF outreach session is meant to foster business ties between the two nations, organizers said in a press release on Monday.
“We see mutual interest and understand that to continue a meaningful dialogue, we need to employ new formats. A field session is one of them,” SPIEF Director Aleksey Valkov explained.
The bilateral event is meant to build on the success of a major international conference, which Russia hosted for African national leaders and business elites in St. Petersburg last July.
Elias Monage, president of the Johannesburg-based Black Business Council lobby group, who will be one of the speakers at the event, said entrepreneurs in his country are particularly interested in Russian expertise in energy, agriculture, mining and processing of minerals, and intellectual property.
“The participation of leading South African companies and representatives in the SPIEF not only facilitates the establishment of business ties, but also contributes to the development of our mutual understanding and mutually beneficial cooperation,” he said.
Other speakers from the African side listed in the press release include Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber NJ Ayuk, President of the African United Business Confederation George Sebulela, and businesswoman Slauzy Zodwa Mogami, who chairs the women-focused NGO Leading Ladies of Africa. Russian Deputy Trade Representative to South Africa Oleg Savikov and Valkov will be participating on Russia’s behalf.
SPIEF is an annual government-backed business-focused international conference, considered one of the highest-profile in Russia. Its first session took place in 1997, and this year’s 27th gathering will be held on June 5-8.